As you have already guessed, our site is dedicated to various types of intellectual entertainment - escape rooms, role-playing games, city quests, pub-quiz games, mafia games and others, in general, everything that helps us to distract from the harsh reality. After all, during the game we get into an ideal world, yes, with some conventions and rules, but otherwise we are free and can create whatever we want!

Now there are more and more new computer games, gadgets. We can not imagine our day without the Internet and social networks. More and more time is spent on computers, with phones or tablets in our hands, and the world is so interesting :^)

But about 10 years from now there is a cool alternative - games with the scenario “escape the room” - what it is, it is clear from the name. But we'll explain anyway: for a limited time (usually 60 - 90 minutes), you (usually a team of 2-5 people) need to pay money (usually small), inspect the room in which you are locked, find all the hiding places, solve all the riddles, open all the locks and get out alive, okay, just get out, you can be dead :D 

Games of this type are moving around the planet as fast as the new TikTok Challenges. They reached Latvia, at first, with a delay. But this small delay allowed the creators to see how it all works in the world and make something great! Many did, and you can evaluate their creations on our site. We have the most unbiased rating, which you can safely look at and draw conclusions. Evaluations, which gets this or that escape room, we calculate by a formula that takes into account many factors.

Our site should serve you as an assistant when choosing a game, for this purpose, we try to provide for all possible nuances and make the search and choice as simple as possible.

We try to be honest with our users and be as objective as possible in everything. In our plans to visit all the escape rooms and leave reviews, and we also want to make friends with everyone, to find out from the organizers, what moved them to get into this business!

I hope you were at least a little bit interested in this article, because if not, you have exactly 60 minutes to run out of town }:D

With respect and love, Extrareality team

Our contacts and working hours 

We work from 10.00 to 19.00, but you can contact us 24 hours a day via social media and email.
