Please read Privacy Policy and this Policy carefully before booking.

1. The User undertakes to:

1.1 When booking the escape room, to provide accurate contact information;

1.2 Observe age restrictions and restrictions related to the number of persons participating in the Escape room at the same time, according to the information contained in the description of the Escape room on the Website;

1.3. Before participating in the Escape room, be instructed and follow the safety rules established by the person responsible for the conduct of the Escape room (hereinafter - the Escape room Owner);

1.4. refuse to participate in the Escape room if he/she has circumstances and / or diseases that prevent the safe conduct of the event, including, but not limited to: pregnancy, cardiovascular diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders and others;

1.5 Come to the Escape room venue prior to the start of the event;

1.6. in case of necessity to cancel the reservation inform Extrareality or the Escape room Owner in advance.

2. The user is prohibited:

2.1 Participate in the Escape room in a state of alcoholic and / or drug intoxication;

2.2 In the process of participation in the Escape room to exert physical influence on other persons participating in the event, unless otherwise provided by the rules of the Escape room;

2.3. Be late for the start of the booked Escape room;

2.4 Deliberately damage the props, equipment, premises where the Escape room is held, and other property of the Escape room Owner.

3. The Escape room Owner has the right:

3.1 In case the User provides unreliable (incorrect) contact information, cancel the Escape room booking by the latter;

3.2 Request the User to prepay the Escape room before the start of the booked time. In case of refusal to provide prepayment, the Escape room Owner has the right to cancel the booking;

3.3 Conduct audio and video recording in the premises of the Escape room in order to control the safety of the User, employees of the Escape room Owner, the conduct of the Escape room. In case of disagreement with this paragraph of this Policy, the User has the right to refuse to participate in the Escape room;

3.4 Prevent and / or suspend the User from participating in the Escape room if there are suspicions that the latter is in a state of alcohol and / or drug intoxication. In case of such suspension, the money paid by the User for participation in the Escape room will not be refunded;

3.5 In case of violation by the User of p.4 p.2 of this Policy (willful damage of the escape room property), the User shall be early suspended from participation in the Escape room. In case of such suspension, the money paid by the User for participation in the Escape room will not be refunded. The Escape room Owner has the right to demand compensation for damaged props, equipment, decorations and other property of the Escape room Owner;

3.6 In case of User's lateness for more than 10 minutes without a valid reason, at its own discretion, not to allow the User to participate in the Escape room or proportionately reduce the time of participation in the Escape room. In case of such suspension, the money paid by the User for participation in the Escape room shall not be refunded;

3.7 In case of violation by the User of par. 2 p.1 of this Policy not to allow and / or suspend from participation in the Escape room;

3.8 In the case of violation of pt. 4 p.1. of this Policy, prematurely suspend the User from participation in the Escape room. In case of such suspension, the money paid by the User for participation in the Escape room shall not be refunded.

4. Limitation of liability of

4.1 Extrareality is not responsible for possible illegal actions of the User regarding third parties, or third parties regarding the User;

4.2 The links on the Website, which lead to the resources located on third-party websites, are placed for the convenience of the Users and do not mean that Extrareality approves the content of other websites. Extrareality assumes no responsibility for the availability of these resources or their content. This statement applies to all links provided on the Site and the content of all Internet-based websites accessible through banners and links on the Site;

4.3 Extrareality shall not be liable for any damage, loss or expense (actual or potential) arising in connection with this Site, its use or inability to use it;

4.4. Extrareality is not responsible for any delays or failures in the transaction process (including booking, payment transactions) caused by force majeure, as well as any case of malfunction in telecommunication, computer, electrical and other related systems;

4.5. Extrareality is not responsible for the actions of transfer systems, banks, payment systems and delays related to their work;

4.6. Extrareality is not responsible for the prepayment of the Escape room made directly to the Escape room Owner;

4.7. Extrareality has no intention to receive information from minors and recommends the legal representatives of minors to allow them to work in the Internet only under their own control;

4.8. Extrareality is not responsible for the relevance of any data about the Escape room, the Escape room Owner, including the cost of visiting the Escape room, in case the Escape room Owner does not provide the relevant information through the API application program interface. In case the User discovers discrepancies between the actual information and the information posted on the Website, the User has the right to submit a corresponding claim to the Escape room Owner, notifying Extrareality of the revealed violations;

4.9. Extrareality is not responsible for the quality of the service provided by the Escape room Owner, including possible technical malfunctions, failures during the event, quality of service, discrepancies between the Escape room rating, information about the Escape room, reviews and extended reviews posted on the Website, etc.;

4.10. Extrareality is not responsible for the User's possible injuries of any severity, physical and psychological, including those resulting in death, damage to personal belongings, as a result of poor quality service provided by the Escape room Owner during participation in the Escape room.

5. Final Terms

5.1 By booking the Escape room, the User confirms that he/she has carefully read the Extrareality Privacy Policy and these Policy;

5.2. The User confirms that when making a booking via the Extrareality Website, he/she meets the requirements set forth in this Policy and confirms his/her agreement with them;

5.3. The Escape room Owner may impose additional requirements on the Users to those specified in this Policy. The User undertakes to familiarize himself/herself with them carefully before participating in the Escape room.