Escape room Witch candles (Рига) - reviews, rating, discounts, promos
60 min
From 95 €  
Available in English
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Don't know how or where to celebrate your bachelorette party?

We offer you “Witch candles,” in which you'll feel like witches made candles in ancient times. The smells of beeswax and herbs will be in the air. You'll be able to create the shape you want - with your hands, as well as delving into the descriptions of the herbs and having a wonderful time with the music.

Age:  From 12 y.o.

Attention, we do not take commission from the players for booking the game on the website.

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How to get

Address: Pulkveža Brieža str. 6 (all escapes on Pulkveža Brieža iela 6)

Escape room ranking

The escape room ranking is not yet formed, as the game has less than three confirmed reviews in the last year. Leave your review, if you played this escape room!

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