Don't let your celebration turn into another boring event! Are you tired...
Turn an ordinary quest into a real celebration! Are you tired of boring...
Immerse yourself in a world of magic and become a hero in a fairy tale!...
Immerse yourself in magic and create a real...
Joy of life, an eternal feast and music of motion were filling the disco...
During the quest, you'll have the opportunity to learn how to do spells...
We offer you “Witch candles,” in which you'll feel like witches made...
Here's an exciting soap-making masterclass for you at our magical...
In 1986, as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power...
The strongest medium working with the otherworld has appeared in Riga...
One of the Harry’s ill-wishers has locked him in the secret Hogwarts...
A Phantom from the past Jacek Kosicky Mehiko has kidnapped the new...
Riga, 1980. By mistake you have found yourself in the office of a Soviet...
Jewellery goes missing from the royal Treasury on regular basis. A villain...
Take a part in a scientific experiment and help to develop an antidote to...
Medallion was stolen by an evil demon in him. At you all hope. We need to...
The crazy professor has built a time machine that he can no longer...
There is a tale going about lost captain’s cursed room. Some speak that...
You are locked up in an underground bunker with a time ticking bomb. You...
Gloomy cellar with thick walls, no sound from the outside can be heard...
Now your team will be the task group who investigates the chain of bloody...
This room will immerse you in a dream. What is a dream? It is a magic...
You are in the house where the crazy scientist once lived. He was a...