Escape room Behind the Glass (Рига) - reviews, rating, discounts, promos
60 min
From 50 €  
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Bright, high-tech room without any key or combination lock.There is a variety of light effects as well as ingenious technical solutions with hydraulics, pneumatics and mechanics. The room was created for the constant movement of players. There you will find unusual approach, game process and task saturation. At the beginning players are being divided into two teams, however each task is being done together.

Plunge into the atmosphere of the game and you will see how exciting rooms can be!

Age:  From 14 y.o.

Attention, we do not take commission from the players for booking the game on the website.

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How to get

Address: Krišjāņa Barona str. 92 (all escapes on Krišjāņa Barona iela 92)

Escape room ranking

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