Escape room PSYLAB (Рига) - reviews, rating, discounts, promos
60 min
From 50 €  
Available in English
Horror game  

Escape room achievements

 Top-10 in overall ranking

Top-10 in overall ranking


Gloomy cellar with thick walls, no sound from the outside can be heard, you think someone will hear your cry...? People mysteriously disappear in Riga. Their clothes and personal belongings are being found by police, but people or their bodies are still missing. You are getting into the game which legend says that people disappear in this area and you have to find out the truth.

Are you ready to find out: is it a game or not?

Age:  From 14 y.o.

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How to get

Address: Krišjāņa Barona str. 92 (all escapes on Krišjāņa Barona iela 92)

Escape room ranking

The escape room ranking is not yet formed, as the game has less than three confirmed reviews in the last year. Leave your review, if you played this escape room!

  1. Уровень сложности был выбран нормальный и он по итогу соответствовал. Зайдя в первую комнату мы опешили, так как подумали, что на час всего лишь одна комната и наверное надо было выбирать уровень «сложный», но не тут то было..Очень антуражный квест, моментами было реально страшно до мурашек и криков , но все тайны раскрывать не буду. Квест прошли успешно, но пару подсказок все-таки понадобилось.

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